How to reach us

How to reach us

The National Centre of Services and Research for the Prevention of Blindness and Rehabilitation of the Visually Impaired (Italy)

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart-Policlinico Agostino Gemelli

Address: L.go A. Gemelli, 8 – Rome, Italy

2nd floor of the main building, go down for two floors from the main entrance, the Centre is just in front of the Ophthalmology Department

How to reach Policlinico Agostino Gemelli Hospital


From Termini railway station get the underground to Valle Aurelia, then the train of the line FM3 Roma-Viterbo o Roma-Cesano and get off at the stop Gemelli.


Line A, stop: “Valle Aurelia”. Get the train in the direction of Cesano or Viterbo and get off at the stop “Gemelli”

Urban Buses

  • line 994 (route: Aurelia – Pineta Sacchetti, Ospedale San Filippo Neri Hospital);
  • line 446 (Circonvallazione Cornelia – Pineta Sacchetti – Cortina d’Ampezzo – Ponte Milvio – Piazza Mancini);
  • line 146 (Battistini – Pineta Sacchetti – Policlinico Gemelli).

By car

Who comes from the south (Naples) can exit from the Outer Ring Road at:

  • Exit 1-Via Aurelia (in the direction of Piazza Irnerio- Via della Pineta Sacchetti)
  • Exit 2-Via Boccea (in the direction of Via di Torrevecchia – Via della Pineta Sacchetti)

Who comes from the north (Florence) can exit from the Outer Ring Road at:

  • Exit 3-Via Cassia (in the direction of Via Trionfale – Via della Pineta Sacchetti).

By Airplane

Fiumicino Airport. If you do not want to get a taxi, please take the train line FL1 direction Orte for 7 stops from the stop “Fiumicino”, then get off at the stop “Trastevere” and take the line FL3 direction “Cesano” or “Viterbo” for 6 stops (get off at the stop “Gemelli”)

The same directions given above apply to reach the Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Center for Children with Plurisensorial Visual Deficiency (CE.DI.RI.VI.) at the Policlinico Agostino Gemelli, Largo Agostino Gemelli , 8 – 00168 Rome